Monday 29 June 2009

"Local Homes For Local People!"

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Local Homes For Local People! British Jobs For British Workers!

British Headlines/Gimmicks/ Soundbites/Relaunches For British Votes!

I think I prefer British Lamp Posts For British Politicians!!

The Penguin


  1. Hi, Penny, I prefer British Garrotes for Gordon's Morons.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't be bothered to change the reference to 'if the cap fits' so here it is again.

    Oh God, that's such a freaking photo - don't do it again! As for the rest of it - it's true: say and promise one thing but do another. When they're questioned, they just deny.

    I've almost reached the stage of blowing a head-gasket because I can't, for the life of me, see why other people think he and his govt are fine. Apart from the complicity of the msm that is.

    In my dreams, I have a crossbow and the eye of an eagle. Unfortunately, in real life, I have neither so I'm thinking of changing my on-line name to Schmuk, which apparently means horse's penis in Hebrew. If the cap fits ...

  4. In mine I have a Barrett Light M108 0.5 cal, a couple of boxes of ammunition and the sealed off top floor of a very high building with a great view of Downing Strasse....

  5. I wonder what Harriet Harperson & Trevor Phillips have to say about this clearly-discriminating policy?

  6. JP: indeed, gordoom fucked up there: "local homes for non-local people"..nanny will be cross.

  7. Lamp posts are too good for these bastards.....

    Dip them in seal fat and hurl 'em to the polar bears.

  8. When you've got them dipped in the fat you might as well fry them a bit to make a tastier meal for the bears.

  9. You can't go wasting energy frying them - think of Global Warming, and the destruction of the Polar Bears habitat!

  10. Finally got it. Gordon Brown and Labour are actually trying to create the Utopia that is Royston Vazey.

    Local shops for local people

    Local homes for local people

    Genius. A League of Gentleman is the government's blueprint for the whole of the UK!!!

  11. They have helped paedophiles to steal the children off poor families and single mothers.

    They are all scum.
