Saturday 13 June 2009

Ironic. "Justice" For Gangstas By Real Gangsters!

Sentenced To Death

The three black thugs who stabbed Ben Kinsella over some perceived "lack of respect" are starting their prison sentences knowing that they are in very real danger thanks to some real gangsters apparently taking offence at their actions.

It's rather ironic.

However, it will ensure that the bastards never have a moments peace and will never be able to trust anyone as long as they live.

The Penguin


  1. Ironic the gangsters can arrange for the kind of justice they deserve when the justice system can't.

  2. I'm sure another meta-irony overload will occur when they are released for being the victims of a racist attack.

  3. Penguin you are correct. I have interviewed men who have been in for sex crimes and listened to horrific tales of attacks from other inmates - especially for offences involving young people. These black bastards only have a chance if they quickly link up with a black gang.

  4. They'll get protection inside prison no doubt and then get released in a couple of years with new identities to protect them until they stab someone else!

  5. "An argument also broke out in the public gallery between Ben's friends and a small group of the killers' families, before police officers intervened and ushered them out."

    Just an ordinary day out in Londonistan - coons will be coons...

    WV: dedisma - sounds like a street coon slang saying ?

  6. Funny how real justice is meted out or at least arranged by gangsters and our judiciary are so pathetic. These three morons should be dancing the Tyburn jig for 10 minutes after what they did. Justice in this country is weak and pathetic.

  7. indeed, chalcedon. but im sure the darky chavs will find comfort from the fact that some big, burly bastard and his friends will have fun passing them around inside...

  8. Good, they'll always be looking over their shoulders if not dead before.

  9. Looks like it will be to spot the elephant in the room. These thugs killed this boy because he "disrespected" them. These black fuckers want respect and the reason they want it because of where they came from, slaves. Not a lot of respect on a slave ship and they were not even asked if they want to be tight packed or loose packed on the journey to the sugar plantations or cotton fields. They are as much use as a ashtray on a motorbike thick, lazy and to a man ignorant. I bet you can't name one black businessman unless you call pimping and drug dealing a business. They have had their freedom a while now so why not go back to Africa? Some chance.

  10. In Wyre Forest District (fifedom of Richard Taylor) a newly elected councilor has been charged with driving without either licence or insurance. How many guesses would anyone like as to the ethnicity and religion of this miscreant?

  11. Do you ever do a positive post on this channel?
    Your obvious xenophobia gives you away as a sick and twisted individual, who has started to realise that New Labour will once again reign supreme at the calling of the general election, whenever that may be.

  12. Your obvious xenophobia gives you away as a sick and twisted individual,"
    Well looks like I'm one as well as I hate getting stabbed or seeing and hearing of people who are killed for "disrespecting" black thugs. The reason these scum want respect is as when their ancestors went on their first and last trip across the Atlantic Ocean they were not asked respectfully of course if they wanted tight packing or loose packing on the way to the sugar plantaion or cotton fields. Can you name one black businessman and I don't mean selling drugs or pimping women (you know "Ho's) as a business? As these wonderful people have had their freedom for a couple of hundred years now I can't see much of a queue forming for them to go back to Africa

  13. Ah, No Bleeder But Gordoom, welcome to freedom of speech, which must be an odd concept for a socialist to bump into.

    You're completely wrong about xenophobia, as I happen to believe we are all one race, the human race, and we have just this one world with a lot of artificial boundaries, especially those imposed by the colonial and empire building chaps way back when but still causing trouble today.

    Still, do keep on trying to make sense of things by applying simplistic labels, I'm sure it helps you even if it is wrong.
