Thursday 11 June 2009

Hoon Of The Day

Sir Gerald "OCD" Kaufman

Troughing Cunt.

The Penguin


  1. I hope the troughing cunt chokes on his half grapefruit the next time he has breakfast.

    Are you sure the Telegraph isn't making all this up as a sick joke? Are all MPs really so fucking dementedly greedy?

    Fucking hoons.

  2. Cheers for the link, just ripped the troughligate cunt a new one.

  3. SHHH
    Dont tell anyone but guess who was caught hanging around truck stops looking for big butch lorry drivers.

    It was covered up but is common knowledge among the rossers.

  4. No normal, sane person would be seen in public wearing a hat like that....

  5. A tribute to his people.

  6. After spending £200 of my money on a fucking biro he said he wanted that would last this twat is 79 years old how long will he last ( yeah OK I know too long)This slimy bastard represents one of the poorest areas in Manchester and believe there are plenty to choose from. He said he has a "self diagnosed compulsive disorder" this apparently makes him spend my money on shite. When the men in white coats and butterfly nets come for his dear leader any chance of making room in the van for this lump of crap?
