Friday 12 June 2009

Crocodile Tears From Chipmunk Blears

Any respect that I might have had for the Ginger Minger has disappeared following her vomit inducing "regrets" interview in which she blinked back hot little tears as she expressed how sorry she was.
What the fuck happened to remove your spine, you nasty little dwarf?
Hope the voters in Salford kick you into oblivion at the election.

The Penguin


  1. I see the Old Witch Thatcher has broken an arm, that will disappoint a lot of people...her neck is still intact......

  2. There's no-one in government today fit to rinse Margaret Thatcher's Tenapants.

    Even if she did lose touch with reality towards the end, she forced through a lot of much needed changes which no-one else had the courage to do.

    We could do with another one like her.

  3. I agree we need another Thatcher. This sorry excuse for a government has become a worldwide mockery.

  4. Mandy Fondlebum is now where he used to be with Blair. You will understand this when my picure comes up, soon, of the state of the nation.
    Blairs was forced to do this or go to jail.

  5. Totally agree Pingu - someone, somewhere was watching Blears' performance with a great deal of satisfaction - job done, no guts, no balls.

  6. Looks like we might not have to wait to see her go.

  7. Broken about 18 inches too low, I'd say
