Wednesday 10 June 2009

Another Fucking Triumph For Government By Gimmick!

The stupid car scrappage scheme has proven to be another total fuck-up, with 90% of the cars being bought made overseas.

So Gordon and his arse-lickers have pissed away more millions to foreign climes.

The mortgage help scheme has apparently helped TWO families.

The Penguin


  1. Penguin,

    Have you got a link to the details about the mortgage scheme? Trynig to convince my other half its a complete piece of crap.

    Love your work

  2. Did you see his embarassing performance in PMQs today?

  3. Try sticking "mortgage help scheme" into google.

    The "standard" help with mortage interest for the long term unemployed is fucking useless too, only applies to the original mortage with which you bought your house, not any subsequent re-mortages you might have made to try and keep a business afloat.

  4. Thought of you in PMQ's today.....p-p-p-p-ick up a Penguin - he's developed a terrible stammer lately hasn't he?

  5. I now header my blog with him running. Also a gimmick. Don't go there if you've just eaten!

  6. LDV has gone bust because Tony would rather spend a billion subsidising MAN lorries in Austria and buying the EU presidency.

    Brown agreed, he will get it when Blair steps down!!

    the LDv lorry would have been a truck used by the US army. Tested and proven. The company granting permission to build it under licence is owned by British Aerospace. So it would have been British Jobs for British Workers cash to British Companies.

    Needless to say the Media is not mentionaing any of this - LDV is gone, move along, nothing to see.
