Tuesday 17 March 2009

Is This For Real? Are My Eyes Deceiving Me?

83 stone of fat benefit suckers

There's a report in the Daily Fear&Fury of an article in some crass magazine about a family in Blackburn who are pulling in over £22,000 a year in benefits who claim they are too fat to work.

One of the huge lardarses even had the nerve to afflict the proles who watch such things by appearing on some talent show called the X Factor. FFS!!! She was wearing a small marquee tastefully made by her father in the style of a "wedding dress".

They get extra benefits because of diseases such as asthma and diabetes brought on by being obese. Because they spend all day everyday watching television they don't have time to diet, and such things as fresh fruit or vegetables are "too expensive" and "taste funny", so they stuff 3,000 calories each per day of biscuits, bacon butties, pies and chips.

I have to presume that they are so fat that Mr. Chawner can no longer actually manage copulation, or surely they would have managed to breed a few more blobs of fat so as to up the benefit take?

The Penguin

UPDATE: My better half just bet me a bottle of wine that they'll soon be "Reality TV Stars" or even have their own cable channel, FatCuntsRUs.tv where sad freak-show fans can gawp at them 24/7

She could well win!


  1. That woman's arm looks like a sausage. She ought to be careful, one of the others might eat it.

  2. Man these fuckers annoy me, people across the land are getting laid off an having to sign on.

    An what do we have a bunch of fat fucks who sit about watching telly, not their telly either but a borrowed one.

    Bleat on about not having time to exercise and demand, not even ask fucking demand more money!

    Sadly the poor sods laid off will likely be tarred with the same brush as these fuckwits.

  3. Don't fancy yours much.

    Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer, is today expected to launch a new Community based drive against the wave of obesity engulfing the nation.
    All motorists and their passengers ( there will be NO exceptions ) will henceforth be obliged to shout out

    " You Fat Bastard "

    whenever an obese person is seen. The definition of "obese" is anyone who is obese or thus deemed to be so by any citizen.
    Failure to actively engage in this new Community Drive will result in an on the spot fine of £80.00

  4. Steady on gang. These are the shining lights of Labour and socialism. Beacons to the bacon munching votes reared to be fed the pig swill that is the essence of The Socialist movement. Feast your eyes on the massive and large successes of the equality engineering excellence. Wonder at the joy your taxes must bring to this heartwarming example of all that is noble, good and just in the world of animal farm.

  5. The best way to fight obesity is to cut their benefits. No Welfare for Fatties.

  6. "We’re fat because it’s in our genes. Our whole family is overweight.’"
    There you have it its in the genes.
    Their genes make them lazy. parasitical fat bastards where I live there is no welfare so if you don't work you don't eat now what a good idea that is.In the UK if this was brought in hundreds of thousands dying from hunger.

  7. My better half just bet me a bottle of wine that they'll soon be "Reality TV Stars" or even have their own cable channel, FatCuntsRUs.tv where sad freak-show fans can gawp at them 24/7

    She could well win!
