Saturday 14 March 2009

Hoon Of The Day

Mrs David Mills. Imagine waking up next to her. Italian prison would start looking pretty good...

Horrid Cunt.

The Penguin


  1. I thought she'd fucked right off, expect that David wished it were so.
    Nothing like a bit of loyalty from the old biddy when things get stickey eh Dave ?

    wv doxiant = toxic doxy deviant; just about sums the old trout up.

  2. We all have 'unfortunate angles' but in Tessa's case it's pretty universal.

    She publically disavowed her husband to further her own career or perhaps she married him to further her own career. Either way, she's a Hoon.

  3. Was just thinking...if you engaged her in a 69, then you'd have cheek by jowell..

    OK, I'll get my coat!!

  4. I bet her old man is running a Polish employment agency on behalf of The Italian Mafia. Sole rights to The Olympic Programme.

  5. I'd do errrrr . . . . (round the head with a baseball bat!) ;-)

  6. Chicken neck, liver spots - she hasn't even got the mitigating factor of tits you'd like to spunk on like 5 bellies Smith.

    Rather you than me, though I guess if Berlusconi offered me a few hundred grand I would...
