Thursday 12 March 2009

Hoon Of The Day

Bernie Ecclestone, whose divorce is going to cost him a good few quid. Sadly for Bernie he can't wriggle out of it, as he handed it all to his wife to look after in offshore trusts so the taxman wouldn't get it. He'll be lucky if she hands him back a fair share.

The Penguin


  1. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke. Hope he ends up penniless.

  2. One wonders who put the lucky wee shite up to it\? ;o-)

  3. One wonders who put the lucky wee shite up to it\? ;o-)
    12 March 2009 19:22

    I'm told it was a step ladder!

  4. Ha, bloody Ha. His "tax-avoidance scheme" now rated at "100%" Tax.

  5. Is that woman stood on a box or is stood in a hole?
