Monday 1 December 2008

Yet More Moronic Fucking Council Jobsworths

It's like a blight on the land, a veritable plague of fucking locusts. The imbecile government's stupidity in introducing third rate legislation, often to give power to the great Snot Gobbler's stealth taxes is then gold-plated in it's implementation by fucking jobsworth council remunerated cunts.

Like this lot in Norwich, who are trying to ban complimentary mulled wine at Christmas in hairdressing salons. Or more likely, empire fucking building and trying to justify their positions while getting a stiffey from the exercise of power. Oh, and then there's the little matter of money to be made from either licences or fines. Fucking Happy Fucking Christmas, you utter cunts.

The Penguin


  1. utter cunt. Must see if I can find his e-mail.

  2. Shop keepers can ban anyone they want from entering their business, I'd suggest all hairdressers and friendly businesses immediately ban anyone connected with council from entering their premises.

  3. "A council spokesman said that under the 2003 Licensing Act "sale by retail" includes providing alcohol to customers as part of the service."

    How long did they have to deliberate before twisting the wording to fit in with their cockmongery, and finding a way of explaining it?

    Seriously, this is where we really need a Government Minister to pick up a phone and scream expletives at the Chief Executive. Not just in this case, but all others like it. It would only take 3 or 4 local dickheads like these to be humiliated before they all thought twice about being a moron.

    Shame Labour don't give a shit then, isn't it?

    Nicked your 'waiting lists' link by the way, with a hat tip, my ice-walking friend. ;-)

  4. Wasn't it Norwich that famously tried to cut down horsechestnut trees in case conker playing schoolboys distracted motorists ( ! ? ! ) and also banned their council tenants from having hanging baskets in case they fell on the heads of passers-by.
    Don't these cunts ever learn ? Thought not.

  5. "while getting a stiffey from the exercise of power"

    Harry Haddock invented the word BANSTURBATION to cover this perversion !

    Alan Douglas
